I recently had the pleasure of photographing the new Mercedes-Benz West Chester dealership designed by Reztark Design Studio in Cincinnati, Ohio.

In 2010, Mercedes launched a media campaign featuring a new slogan - The Best or Nothing.
This tagline was a motto of Gottlieb Daimler, one of the company’s founders. It is a leading principle, internal rally cry among employees, and a promise to deliver nothing but the best in innovation, performance, design, safety, and environment.

What’s your promise? What does your brand stand for?

Great slogans (or taglines) are brief, consistent with the product or company brand, and timeless. The best are unforgettable.
What’s In Your Wallet?
Think Outside The Bun
The Quicker Picker Upper!
Just Do It.
Melts in Your Mouth, Not In Your Hand
The Few, The Proud, The Marines
Got Milk?
You’re In Good Hands With Allstate.

Click here to learn more about creating a successful slogan including a free download on slogan writing from Hubspot.

What can I do to help you today?
Michael Firsich is an architectural photographer, videographer, and creator of visual marketing content for online and print media. Click here to learn more.
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